Eligibility and Criteria

Am I eligible to apply?

If you are a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation, a school or a group that is affiliated to a regional or national body you are eligible to apply.

For more detail, please refer to our Authorised Purpose.

Do you have funding in our area?

In general, funds will be distributed in the area in which they were generated. This is typically defined by territorial local authority (TLA) boundaries or in Auckland City by Wards. The NPC may however at their discretion, apply and distribute funds from one TLA/Ward to another, or toward a National project.

To see if we have a venue near you, please click below.

What am I unable to apply for?

The following are examples of purposes that are deemed unauthorised for grant consideration. This list is not exhaustive but rather is intended as a sample. Feel free to contact a member of the grants team if you have any specific questions.

  • Anything intended to further the activities of professional sports persons or teams
  • Any individual sport person unless the grant is made to and administered by an incorporated sporting body
  • Anything related to a hotel social club
  • Third party donor Organisations (e.g. service clubs)
  • Food and entertainment
  • Dress uniforms
  • Footwear and socks
  • Warm-up and wet weather apparel
  • Training shirts
  • Funding for fundraising events
  • Building/Facility Maintenance where they applying Organisation does not own or lease the building
  • Salaries/wages for fundraising or sponsorship staff
  • Overseas travel and accommodation
  • Purchase or subsidy of vehicles intended for personal use or purposes associated with social functions
  • Stake money for any types of races
  • Any goods or services that have already been paid prior to their approval